Russian Reserves Mobilize for War vs. ‘Collective West’

Vladimir Putin mobilized 300,000 reserves on Wednesday to strengthen the 1,000 km Ukrainian front, in a speech that accused the West of attempting to break up Russia “into warring pieces.”

Breaking up countries into warring pieces is what Western elites do best, even to their own.

Elites keep us warring with each other, as they money launder, inside invest and fund AI to make us obsolete, all under the guise of climate change.

“I cannot but emphasize the fact that today we are at war not so much with Ukraine and the Ukrainian army as with the collective West.”

Sergei Shoigu, Russian Minister of Defense on Sep. 21.

Regions in eastern Ukraine are holding referendums this week on joining Russia, which would be met with voter fraud accusations from the Biden Administration. (Democrats care more about Ukrainian voter fraud and Ukrainian borders, but you already knew that.)

If Western forces attack new Russian territory, it could escalate into nuclear war.

Dmitiri Medvedev, former president and current VP of the Russian Security Council, posted maps on Telegram in July with the caption, “In the brain of the President of Ukraine, affected by psychotropic substances, the following picture of the bright future of his country appeared (Fig. 1). Western analysts believe that it will actually be this way (Fig. 2).(Figure 2 map posted directly below)

ELITES RELATED: Martha’s Vineyard residents had 50 illegal immigrants, 50 job openings, hundreds of acres but still had to call in the National Guard.

Now For Some Memes…