Did The Economist Predict Hamas Hang Glider Attacks?

The Economist Magazine from December-January, 2013 had an intricate cover illustration depicting the vices of various world leaders, but interestingly depicted Hamas using hang gliders vs. Israel.

If you search for “Hamas and hang gliders” from 2010 to 2013 you will find nothing. The only story we found was from an archive in 1981 about the failure of a few Palestinians using them. Send us a note if you find out more.

RELATED: Why did Netanyahu send emissaries to Qatar in February, 2020 to plead for continued funding of Hamas?

Hidden nuggets often adorn the cover of The Economist. In the 2015 cover below, notice the obscure gender-bending Clown Fish, which develops as male then switches to female. The pied piper, who traditionally lures children, seems to be aimed at the transgender fish.

There is also an angry tortoise, logo of the evolutionary socialist Fabian Society, who yearn for a one-world government (and whose coat of arms is a wolf in sheep’s clothing).

A notable alumni of the magazine is Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, the vice chair of Soros Fund Management and the World Economic Forum and Chairman of Smartmatic voting systems in 2020 (Malloch-Brown was mysteriously removed from the Smartmatic website on Nov. 12, 2020).

Their Bilderberg attending editor-in-chief and its staff have long been pimping a one world global currency, at least since 1988 with their Phoenix coin cover.

Sidenote: Did you notice the ghost holding a holiday magazine behind Obama’s leg, in the 2015 cover? Wonder what that could be about?

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Russians Accused of Using Thermobaric Bomb In Ukraine

The Russian forces in Ukraine have reportedly used a thermobaric bomb, also called a vacuum bomb, according to Oksana Markarova, Ukraine’s ambassador to the United States.

Vladimir Putin calls Russia’s biggest version “The Father of All Bombs” with power secondary only to that of a nuclear weapon and without radiation. Smaller ordinances are equipped on rocket launchers.

Conventional explosives use 25% fuel and 75% oxidizer, but a thermobaric explosive uses almost 100% fuel, consuming available oxygen in a wide area.


  • Vaporized body
  • Permanent hearing loss
  • Gastrointestinal rupture
  • Dislocated eyes
  • Major bone breakage

Thermobaric weapons were first used by the United States in Vietnam, where they were effective sucking oxygen out of tunnels, caves and bunkers. Russia and the U.S. both used them in Afghanistan.

Russia declassified footage a few years ago of the largest man-made explosion in human history from its 1961 Tsar Bomba test. Putin has put his nuclear deterrent forces on alert status.

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Pentagon ‘Doctored’ Database After Huge Spikes in Disease Discovered

The Department of Defense has altered medical data from 2016-2020 in response to whistleblower revelations which showed huge spikes of hospitalizations and disease in the military’s Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) in 2021, after the COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

Attorney Thomas Renz, representing the whistleblowers, testified before Congress in January, where he presented the data, which included a 1048% increase in neurological cases for 2021.

The military responded by claiming the 2016-2020 data was only a fraction of the totals, creating the illusion of a 2021 spike. Renz claims this is ridiculous.

“We are asked to believe that in 2020, the year of what they claim to be the greatest pandemic since 1918, and despite the fact that it is documented that the CDC was also watching this database, no one noticed an error of 20 million-plus injury/disease codes per year,” Renz told The Epoch Times.

Subsequently, without any notice or press releases, Biden’s DoD began altering the data from 2016-2020, as shown above. This allowed the media to fact-check the whistleblower data as false.

The whistleblower’s presented their data under penalty of perjury.

You be the judge.

Reporting on this brings us no joy.

WATCH: Thomas Renz testimony before Congress

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Church-Changing Pope Francis Challenged on Heretical Teaching

Pope Francis’ recent teaching that the “communion of saints” includes those who have “denied the faith” and “denied their baptism,” has prompted charges of heresy against the Bishop of Rome.

Catholic author Taylor Marshall has pointed out, Francis is in direct contradiction to a Pope Pius XII encyclical, which stated, “not every sin, however grave it may be, is such as of its own nature to sever a man from the Body of the Church, as does schism or heresy or apostasy.”

Taylor points out, that if you follow Francis’ logic, then Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin (both baptized as infants) are both in the “communion of saints,” regardless of repentance.

According to Canon 1364, heretics, apostates and schismatics are all excommunicated.

If apostates can be in the “communion of the saints,” as Francis claims, what is the point of Catholicism? Perhaps that is the goal Pope Francis has in mind.

Send prayers for Taylor Marshall.

Communion of Saints graphic courtesy St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church

Saints infographic by Michael Horton

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Maxwell No Longer Opposes Naming Names in Epstein Saga

Ghislaine Maxwell’s legal team will no longer fight keeping the identities secret of eight “John Does” involved in her court case.

FBI asset Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton did blossom a long friendship, both enjoying backrubs and burning jet fuel, but it is unlikely Clinton will be named.

Prince Andrew is up next in court, but remember he got an assist from London police in 2020, who destroyed key evidence in his case.

It is more likely they will attempt to hurt Donald Trump, although he was the only celebrity who turned on Jeffrey Epstein, giving information to prosecutors in 2009 (video below), and allegedly banned Epstein from Mar-a-Lago.

RELATED: Convicted pedophile funneled foreign cash into Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign

MADAME CANDIDATE: Former Hillary aide says she’s running in 2024

Graphic at top by Daily Mail

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You Shall Hear of Wars and Rumors of Wars…

U.S.-Russia talks over Ukraine failed after a suspicious coup attempt in Kazakhstan, followed by a Putin threat to deploy “military infrastructure” in Cuba and Venezuela.

Hunter Biden’s close friend and former Kazakh security chief Karim Massimov was arrested for treason during the attempted revolution in Kazakhstan.

Biden has subsequently began construction of a mysterious concrete barricade around the White House.

AP graphic from October 23, 1962, from a similar situation:

RELATED WHITE PAPER: Peru has abandoned pro-Western foreign policy and now aligned with China, Russia, Iran…


  • South Korea’s military says a North Korean missile reached hypersonic speeds last week.
  • The Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei’s website published an animated video depicting an assassination attempt of Donald Trump, in retaliation for the killing of Iranian General Soleimani. (below)

Ukraine graphic from The Sun.uk

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