Teachers Being Instructed How to Groom Kids in All Curriculums

The Oregon Department of Education, has formed teacher curriculums mixing Critical Race Theory with LGBTQ2SIA+ sex education in new Spring Workshop indoctrination sessions, shown above.

The free lessons for teachers even include a class on fluid exchange.

Oregon passed a law in 2019 to mandate LGBT content in all school history, geography, economics and civics curriculums.

“Participants will: explore internalized values of compulsory sexuality”

Oregon Department of Education Spring Workshop Series, 2022

This month the State hired a woman to teach children about porn, who was run out of New York schools last year for showing first graders videos about masturbation.

The Woke Army took a hit in Florida, but the battle has just begun.

GENDER UNICORN: Vermon grooming kids with animation

RELATED: Woman who helps teens transition thinks it’s gone too far

See more toons from the talented Pat Cross.

Source for poster shown above.

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Officials Prep Schools for Orwellian Era, Powered by Microsoft

Now that politicians, bureaucrats and technocrats have traumatized a generation of school children, it’s time to show the kids how more of their freedoms get stolen. 

Microsoft is teaming up with schools to track each student’s health through weekly COVID tests, daily self-reporting and daily temperature readings at school.

It will be rolled out first in California as the Los Angeles Unified Daily Pass, with results entered online in an undoubtedly hackable database.

SCREENGRABS ABOVE: From LAUSD video promoting Microsoft’s Daily Pass.

See more toons from the talented Pat Cross.

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Critical Race Theory Is Accelerating Down the Slippery Slope

The Marxist Trojan Horse called Critical Race Theory recently hit a middle school in Springfield, Missouri where participants were required to vocalize their acceptance of the program after dividing themselves up between oppressed and oppressors according to an “oppression matrix.”

One white arts teacher raised by a black stepfather declared this was asking them to accept Marxism, but he was promptly shut down.

Joe Biden picked Cindy Martens as his Deputy Secretary of Education, who believes white teachers should undergo “antiracist therapy” to prevent the “spirit murder” of black children.

The leftist totalitarian ideology to divide us on race is also getting a boost in children’s entertainment with Netflix teaming up with Ibram X. Kendi to promote a “Department of Anti-Racism” to force people to “voluntarily” accept his agenda.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez even proposed funding to deprogram conservatives white supremacists.

SOLUTION: Everyone with the means must go to your school district, get involved and prepare to lawyer up.

Parents recently pushed back in Cupertino, Calif and won.

Whistleblower documents: Compiled by Christopher Rufo.

See more toons from the talented Pat Cross.

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Diversity Training and Racial Justice Get Biden Boost

Campus bureaucrats and leftist activists have been ramping up their “wokeness” and diversity indoctrination since the media and its mob have crowned Joe Biden president.

MIT has announced students are forced to take “diversity, equity, and inclusion” training BEFORE they can enroll in spring classes.

Brandeis University’s Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion is setting up whites-only spaces involving a six-week training course to learn how they oppress nonwhites.

Michigan State’s Office for Inclusion and Intercultural Initiatives has apologized for calling transgender employees by their legal names.

Boise State’s Inclusive Excellence Student Council and students bullied Big City Coffee off campus after the coffee vendor expressed support for Thin Blue Line, a pro-police organization.

NFL Bends More Knees

The NFL announced plans to penalize teams who lose minority coaches and executives and reward those who interview and hire minorities. After some backlash the plan has been tabled, for now.

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Disney Threatened Georgia Boycott If Unable to Abort Baby With Heartbeat, Then Films ‘Mulan’ Where One Million In Reeducation Camps

One year after threatening to boycott filming in the state of Georgia over its contested law prohibiting an abortion if doctors detect a baby’s heartbeat, Disney has filmed Mulan in the Chinese region where one million Muslim Uighurs are being held in reeducation internment camps.

The Mulan release led to a 68% increase in Disney+ app downloads.

What if a Baby Yoda was threatened with abortion? However, Disney made sure to thank the Chinese Communist Party’s propaganda department in Mulan’s end credits.

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Varvel Toon: Marxist Curriculum Under Scrutiny in Wisconsin

A school district meeting in Burlington, Wisconsin, near the Kenosha race riots, became heated as parents objected to a teacher to remove “critical race theory” indoctrination from federal contracts and other spending.

The Black Lives Matter movement has embraced “critical race theory,” a far-left worldview that racism is systemic and America is based on white supremacy. They also want to abolish the nuclear family, police, prisons and capitalism.

See more toons from the talented Gary Varvel.

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