Democrats and the media spent years promoting violence against their opponents, which has been captured beautifully in a recent viral video.
Some are blaming Trump for steering a mob towards Congress on January 6, but there is growing evidence the people leaving his speech were not the one’s who initiated the trespassing of Congress.
Waters resides in a multimillion-dollar home, closer to Beverly Hills, in the wealthy area of Hancock Park. She is protected by the police she wants to defund and remains comfortable behind her mansion walls while promoting illegal immigration into her sanctuary city.
Currently Waters focuses on televised Trump-bashing appearances and stoking a race war, but historically has been primary sponsor on only three bills that became law:
Renaming a Post Office
National Flood Insurance Extension (Her district doesn’t flood)
Haiti Debt Relief and Earthquake Recovery Act of 2010
The Democrat Financial Services Committee Chairwoman Maxine Waters grilled bank CEOs on various topics, asking them “What are you guys doing to help us with this student loan debt?”
It is incredulous that Waters and her staff did not know the Obama Administration took over student loans in 2010, allowing socialist educators to increase costs without regard to market principles. Extensive sources (