The Road to Trump’s Impeachment

A timeline and infographic look at President Trump’s impeachment, Russia, Ukraine, Burisma and Joe Biden’s threat to withhold aid.

Mark Zaid, the whistleblower’s lawyer, was prophetic in his January 31, 2017 tweet: “#coup has started. First of many steps. #rebellion. #impeachment will follow ultimately.”

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How Impeachment Works

A look at the 1998 impeachment process of President Bill Clinton, where two Articles of Impeachment passed in the House, then failed in the Senate.

The process was more bipartisan over 20 years ago. 284 members of Congress were allowed to be heard in two days of debate.

The impeachment of President Donald Trump is expected to be rushed through the House in a few hours.

Infographics have improved but the impeachment process hasn’t.

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Comey Violated FBI Policy, Leaked Private Memos, DOJ Watchdog Finds

Former FBI Director James Comey leaked classified information to his attorneys and violated Department of Justice policies over the handling of government documents according to DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz. Read more at The Epoch TImes

“He [Trump] asked whether the FBI leaks and I answered that of course in an organization of 36,000 we were going to have some of that, but I said I think the FBI leaks far less than people often say. I predicted he, like all Presidents, would discover the entire government leaks like crazy and explained that it often comes from the first or second hop out from those actually working on the sensitive thing.”

James Comey (From his January, 2017 memo)

No wonder Hillary Clinton was never charged with leaking. It seems to be business as usual in the swamp.

See entire Epoch Times infographic with all involved in Russiagate (PDF).

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Robert Mueller: Government Must Prove Your Innocence?


Special Council Robert Mueller held a press conference today stating “If we had had confidence that the President [Trump] clearly did not commit a crime we would have said so.”

Innocence until proven guilty is a key principle of common law and Western Civilization, which Mueller casually disregards.

Read more on the deep history of common law in a Supreme Court brief at

The Federalist explains how Mueller’s press conference proves the Russia investigation was all a political hit job trampling the rule of law.

Great Mueller caricature courtesy DonkeyHotey on Flickr

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