The January 6 Setup

Revolver News recently exposed how the January 6 “Fedsurrection” was likely orchestrated by FBI informants and others, who deliberately led and funnelled the crowd into the Capitol, yet remain unprosecuted.

Their end game could be to convict Trump of violating the Insurrection Act and thus bar him from public “office”. There is debate on that among lawyers, since the presidency is not legally an “office”. 

Legal hurdles seem unlikely to stop Democrats. They did impeach Trump for something Biden actually did.

And who were these guys with matching loudspeakers instructing the crowd to enter the Capitol!

RELATED: Pentagon streamlines process for sending National Guard troops into DC

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A New Pearl Harbor 80 Years Later?

A new attack on Pearl Harbor, 80 years since Japan struck on Dec. 7, 1941, is not that far-fetched and could come from new adversaries.

Five months ago Japanese defense official Yasuhide Nakayama warned of a potential surprise attack on Hawaii from Russia or China, while stressing tensions regarding Taiwan.

In September, China released a video showing a nuclear-capable simulated attack on what appeared to be Guam. (See video below)

Yes, the same island Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) worried might tip over.

Both Russia and China have pushed ahead of the U.S. in hypersonic missile technology, which has defense officials worried.

Newspaper courtesy The Courier Journal on Nov. 16, 1945.

READ MORE: Pearl Harbor: A Successful War Lie, an excerpt from David Swanson’s “War is a Lie”

INVASION PRACTICE: Chinese military conducts beach landing drills across from Taiwan

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Tensions Tighten Before Biden’s Play Date With Putin

After the embarrassing Alaska meeting with China and the Afghanistan withdrawal disaster, the Biden foreign policy team is threatening to remove Russia from the SWIFT international payment system, ahead of Biden-Putin peace talks via video call on Tuesday.

Both Russia and NATO have been building up troops along the Ukraine-Russia border. Biden has pledged to send reinforcements to Ukraine should Russia invade.

SWIFT connects 11,000 banks in over 200 countries, but Russia boasted it is prepared.

2013 FLASHBACK: Obama backs down against Putin over Syria red line

NEW ALLIANCE: India and Russia strike trade and arms deal

BACKGROUND: How the Soros secret network used Ukraine to cover for Hillary, Hunter and target Trump

Meme hat tip DrDMemes.

Infographic courtesy The Sun

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Challenge to Roe v. Wade Heard At Supreme Court

The Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health concerning Mississippi’s ban on abortions after 15 weeks.

Roe v. Wade, and later Planned Parenthood v. Casey, banned abortion only after about 24 weeks.

One issue before the court is when is the viability of the baby to feel pain.

“Does a mother have a right to ingest drugs and harm a pre-viable baby? Can the state bring child neglect charges against the mother?”

Clarence Thomas, Supreme Court Justice in rare opening question

Norma McCorvey, the plaintiff “Jane Roe” in Roe v. Wade, was a lesbian who didn’t have an abortion, although her unborn baby at the time was used by pro-abortion activists to legalize abortion

McCorvey chose not to abort, saying it was “not part of who I was,” but near her death in 2017, she stated “If a young woman wants to have an abortion, that’s no skin off my ass.” There are allegations she played both sides of the issue, depending on who was paying.

If Roe v. Wade gets overturned, pre-Roe abortion bans would go into effect in nine states with 12 more states most likely to automatically follow.

Most rulings by the Supreme Court happen 14-16 weeks after oral arguments.

Graphic courtesy Americord Blood


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Climate Hypocrites United in Glasgow, Agreed to Continue Hoaxing

Diabolical narcissists gathered in their private jets and motorcades this week at COP26 in Scotland and agreed to use $130 trillion they control to decide how the planet will spend its money (minus China and Russia).

The same chap who wants a global libra-like currency to replace the dollar’s dominance has set up a global group of net-zero carbon emission alliances.

And only last month nations agreed on a 15% global minimum corporate tax rate. A pattern is forming.

Currently CO2 is on the rise, but its still near a 600-million year low. (Chart source, data from Department of Geology and Geophysics, Yale University)

The weakening magnetic field allowing greater exposure to space weather and solar flares is more concerning than CO2. But if CO2 was as bad as politicians claim, temperature changes still happen first, then CO2 levels change. In other words, CO2 lags temperature, by thousands of years.

Furthermore, human activity is a small part of overall CO2 emissions. Ongoing studies at the Katla volcano are dispelling the “consensus” that man is a greater contributor to CO2 than volcanos. Termites emit more than human fossil-fuel consumption or emissions from delicious cows.

Elites must know something more dangerous than a few degrees rise in temperature is coming. They have been preparing bug-out mansions for the past decade. Either it’s the magnetic pole shift (which is overdue), the second biological attack or insurance for when the pitchforks come out.

See more toons from the talented Lisa Benson.

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