Revolver News recently exposed how the January 6 “Fedsurrection” was likely orchestrated by FBI informants and others, who deliberately led and funnelled the crowd into the Capitol, yet remain unprosecuted.
Their end game could be to convict Trump of violating the Insurrection Act and thus bar him from public “office”. There is debate on that among lawyers, since the presidency is not legally an “office”.
A new attack on Pearl Harbor, 80 years since Japan struck on Dec. 7, 1941, is not that far-fetched and could come from new adversaries.
Five months ago Japanese defense official Yasuhide Nakayama warned of a potential surprise attack on Hawaii from Russia or China, while stressing tensions regarding Taiwan.
After the embarrassing Alaska meeting with China and the Afghanistan withdrawal disaster, the Biden foreign policy team is threatening to remove Russia from the SWIFT international payment system, ahead of Biden-Putin peace talks via video call on Tuesday.
Both Russia and NATO have been building up troops along the Ukraine-Russia border. Biden has pledged to send reinforcements to Ukraine should Russia invade.
Diabolical narcissists gathered in their private jets and motorcades this week at COP26 in Scotland and agreed to use $130 trillion they control to decide how the planet will spend its money (minus China and Russia).
The weakening magnetic field allowing greater exposure to space weather and solar flares is more concerning than CO2. But if CO2 was as bad as politicians claim, temperature changes still happen first, then CO2 levels change. In other words, CO2 lags temperature, by thousands of years.
Elites must know something more dangerous than a few degrees rise in temperature is coming. They have been preparing bug-out mansions for the past decade. Either it’s the magnetic pole shift (which is overdue), the second biological attack or insurance for when the pitchforks come out.