Jesuit, Pope Francis and George Soros Funded Groups Helping Open Borders and Illegal Immigration

Non-profits helping illegal immigration and open borders into the United States is funded by both George Soros and Jesuit-controlled Catholic organizations.

A vast web of non-profits facilitating illegal immigration and open borders into the United States is funded by both George Soros and Jesuit-controlled Catholic organizations.

From their own deeds and words, Soros and the Jesuits are actively promoting a one world order where socialism, social justice and equality of outcome is promised instead of equality of opportunity. More control required.

One globalist strategy is to overwhelm the American welfare system with illegal immigration from third world countries, establishing an unstoppable socialist voting base to erode U.S. sovereignty.

“The main obstacle to a stable and just world order, is the United States”, wrote George Soros in “The Age of Fallibility: Consequences of the War on Terror”

On May 2, 2019 Pope Francis, the first Jesuit Pope, called for a supranational body to enforce United Nations mandates. (

From behind the Vatican walls Pope Francis has criticized President Trump’s call to secure the American border despite the U.S. having taken in more migrants worldwide than any other country. ( report)

The Jesuits’ Ignation Solidarity Network’s stated mission is to “educate, and form advocates for social justice animated by the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola.” There are at least 28 Jesuit colleges and universities in the U.S. who have graduated many of the elected officials responsible for securing the borders.

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Socialism Suffers Setback in EU Elections

Britain: The six-week -old Brexit party led the EU elections. (Powerline)

France: Marine Le Pen’s conservative party topped President Emmanuel Macron’s liberal party. (France24)

Austria: The conservative party (ÖVP) won amidst the Ibiza scandal involving vodka and a Russian woman. (BBC)

Italy: Matteo Salvini’s Italy-first party won. (Bloomberg)

The European Union will still be led by a coalition of bureaucrats and socialists, but it is a step in the right direction.

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The Illusion of Choice

Cronyism, regulatory capture, procurement contracts and lobbyist domination is not free market capitalism. The partnership of government and business is Democratic Socialism (Fascism).

Bigger government regulating its own partners and picking winners and losers is not the answer to a better competitive free market.

Read more: The 147 Companies That Control Everything (Bloomberg)

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