The Miracle of the Sun

A Fatima history and infographic timeline of the Virgin Mary's secrets with details of the hidden third secret.

In 1917 the Virgin Mary was said to appear at Fatima, Portugal to three shepherd children. On October 13 a crowd of thousands claimed to see the sun whirling and moving. Read more at

Joshua Benoliel’s photos and newspapers:
Skeptical photo analysis:

Extended source material (

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Pope Francis Changes the Lords Prayer, Moves Further Towards Globalism

Pope Francis carrying wiccan stang and wearing hammer and sickle from Vatican video

The Pope has changed the Lord’s Prayer from Matthew 6:13. (

“lead us not into temptation” is now…

“do not let us fall into temptation”

Vatican officials claim the original English translation implied God induced tempation. Yet God does tempt man, as told in the stories of Job and the Binding of Isaac.

Why this matters: Communists, marxists, globalists, socialists, humanists, progressives and modernists believe man can be kept from temptation by force. A one world government can create heaven on earth with politically correct social justice. Obey the state. God is not needed.

Modernists, and also progressives, use their terms as a disguise, in order to falsely brand opponents as against moral improvement.

Pope Francis has reportedly abandoned the concept of Hell and has given a speeches saying “everything will be saved. Everything.” (

In the graphic: Pope Francis has been recorded on tape and photographed carrying a wiccan stang at Synod of Bishops and wearing the hammer and sickle in Bolivia. His establishment in 2016 of a social justice department in the Vatican makes more dire sense. (


Pope Francis carrying wiccan stang – St. Peter’s Square – Opening Mass Synod of Bishops 2018-10-03 (Youtube 1:27 mark)

The Stang: A powerful tool (

Satanists Manifesting: Antipope Bergoglio Carries a Stang – the Ritual Staff of Witchcraft (

Pope carries Stang at 2018 Synod opening (Connecticut Catholic Corner)

Pope Francis given bizarre sickle and hammer (Time)

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Jesuit, Pope Francis and George Soros Funded Groups Helping Open Borders and Illegal Immigration

Non-profits helping illegal immigration and open borders into the United States is funded by both George Soros and Jesuit-controlled Catholic organizations.

A vast web of non-profits facilitating illegal immigration and open borders into the United States is funded by both George Soros and Jesuit-controlled Catholic organizations.

From their own deeds and words, Soros and the Jesuits are actively promoting a one world order where socialism, social justice and equality of outcome is promised instead of equality of opportunity. More control required.

One globalist strategy is to overwhelm the American welfare system with illegal immigration from third world countries, establishing an unstoppable socialist voting base to erode U.S. sovereignty.

“The main obstacle to a stable and just world order, is the United States”, wrote George Soros in “The Age of Fallibility: Consequences of the War on Terror”

On May 2, 2019 Pope Francis, the first Jesuit Pope, called for a supranational body to enforce United Nations mandates. (

From behind the Vatican walls Pope Francis has criticized President Trump’s call to secure the American border despite the U.S. having taken in more migrants worldwide than any other country. ( report)

The Jesuits’ Ignation Solidarity Network’s stated mission is to “educate, and form advocates for social justice animated by the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola.” There are at least 28 Jesuit colleges and universities in the U.S. who have graduated many of the elected officials responsible for securing the borders.

Extensive source material and links (

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Is a 10th Circle Needed?

Virginia Governor (D) Ralph Northam on new late term abortion bill proposal: “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

Virginia taxpayers pay for abortions (

Jan. 22, 2019: New York legislature votes to legalize abortion up to birth, let non-doctors commit abortions (

Excellent infographic (above) from Lapham’s Quarterly

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