[CORRECTION] Original story said Ottawa police were exempt from the vaccine mandate, however the exemption only lasted a few days. On Oct. 27, 2021, the Ottawa Police exempted themselves from the vaccine mandates, citing “staffing issues.” Someone forced police to backtrack and on Oct. 29 they reversed the exemption, forcing officers to get jabbed by Jan. 31, 2022.
The Ottawa police, who themselves fought exemption from the vaccine mandates, continue to arrest and harrass Freedom Convoy supporters by ticketing and suspending licenses of peaceful truckers.
Police confiscated fuel from truckers, so Canadians have begun walking the streets with fuel cans.
The only violence has been from an anarchist who allegedly drove his car at four convoy supporters.
Watch below as a 78-year old convoy supporter is arrested for honking his horn in Ottawa:
See more memes from the talented @johnhackerla
See more toons from the talented Ben Garrison.
IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: Black Lives Matter funneled donations into separate charity to purchase the former communist headquarters in Canada