Congress passed H.R. 1, the “For the People Act of 2021”, with hopes of ensuring the United States never has another valid election.
- Federal control over congressional elections
- Mandatory early voting for each state
- Ballot harvesting allowed
- Mandatory acceptance of ballots if arrives within ten days of election
- Automatic voter registrations, including minors (i.e. motor voter laws)
- Non-penalites for illegal alien voting
- Allow changing of personal info at polling place
- Encourage statehood for Washington D.C.
- Commission for represtenation for territories
- Federal control over redistricting (Meaning Democrat control)
- Same day registration
- Prevent purging ineligible voters from rolls
- Felons allowed to vote after release
- Allow IRS to target groups again (Tea Party)
- Require tax returns from presidential candidates
- Eliminate requirement for Voter IDs (only signature needed)
- Eliminate Citizen’s United Supreme Court decision
Some argue that getting corporate money out of politics is needed, but the Heritage Foundation’s John York explains, “To cap only financial expenditures would increase the relative importance of other commodities like time, celebrity, and ownership of a newspaper or television station.”
In the hopefully unlikely event that HR-1 becomes law, the Democrats wrote into the bill that only courts in Washington D.C. (a Democrat stronghold) can hear the challenges.
Track the bill: H.R. 1 “For the People Act of 2021”