Easily hackable electronic voting machines are one of many targets in the Trump team’s lawsuits contesting the 2020 election. Sidney Powell, lawyer for President Trump, said over the weekend, “We have so much evidence I feel it’s coming in like a firehose.”
“I’m going to release the Kraken.”
Sidney Powell
Following the 2016 election, The Wharton School conducted an intensive study of the election technology market, showing the key battleground states as Dominion’s clientele.
Dominion employs some interesting people:
- Nadeam Elshami was Nancy Pelosi’s chief of staff for 10 years, helping force Obamacare on the nation, and is now a lobbyist for Dominion through the firm Brownstein Farber Hyatt & Schreck.
- Dr. Eric Coomer posted the Antifa manifesto to President Trump on June 2 and is Director of Product Strategy at Dominion.
- Jared Thomas was chief of staff for Georgia governor Brian Kemp when he was Secretary of State, and is now a lobbyist at Dominion.
- Mykale “Kelly” Garret worked at Dominion from 2017-19, then worked at Michigan’s Democratic Party headquarters as a Deputy Director.