Biden’s “Build Back Better” Begins With Wrecking Ball

One of the record-setting number of orders from Joe Biden’s pen so far was the cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline.

As of January 25, 2021, Biden had signed 33 executive orders, actions, proclamations, memoranda and agency directives.

Canada must now debate:

  • Compensation for TC Energy
  • Reimbursement of losses to provinces
  • Retalation against U.S.

As Joe Biden aimlessly searches for that pocket:

Infographic from Geopolitical Futures

MEANWHILE: A game-changing Iranian pipeline set to launch in March.

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Green New Deal Activists Discussed Taking Over Government Buildings

On Nov. 2, 2020, during a video call between the Sunrise Movement and Black Lives Matter, activists conversed how to “create a social crisis” through chaos, if Trump was declared the election winner.

“I think we dont have a lot of experience taking over government buildings. We might need to think about that.”

Activist Lisa Fithian

The Sunrise Movement is a group of radicals indoctrinating youth that due to man-made climate change, the human race is doomed in 15 years.

After inauguration day, the Sunrise Movement is calling for a Jan. 21 day of action in the streets, to pressure U.S. communists to pass the Green New Deal.

Infographic below shows the expected costs of the Green New Deal, courtesy U.S. congressman Mike Johnson (R-LA), who sponsored a resolution to expose the socialist policies of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

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Blame Games for WildFires Rage and Over Reactions Spread

Wildfires in the nation’s western states continue to spread death and destruction, but it is far from a nationwide apocalypse, according to data from the National Interagency Fire Center, backed up by Census figures and early newspaper reports with Department of Agriculture statistics.

Critics say liberal states and environmentalists are enacting policies that prohibit natural and prescribed fires from burning away expendable fuel.

The Atlantic (who tried to get the military to turn on President Trump with anonymous sources) ran a story by Annie Lowrey warning “Climate hell is here. We cannot stand it. And we cannot afford it either.”

California Governor Gavin Newsome had a meltdown press conference while touring a fire struck area, declaring “The debate is over, around climate change… This is a climate damn emergency. This is real and it’s happening.”

I quite literally have no patience for climate change deniers.”

Calif. Gov. Newsom

Debate is over? (Just like on facemasks)

Newsome followed up by announcing a ban on all new gas-powered cars by 2035. That should stop the lightning, Antifa’s Molotov cocktails and the directed-energy weapons…

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Is This Finally the Most Important Election of Our Lives?

Joe Biden’s resume includes embracing segregation, making it harder to file bankrupty, ensuring student debt couldn’t be part of bankrupty protections, sponsoring the 1994 crime bill, backing the Iraq war, taking in more than $15 million since leaving the Obama White House and now possibly verging on dementia.

Angela Kelley at American Greatness explains how those should be the least of voters’ worries.

See more talented toons from Gary Varvel.

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Biden Goes Full Bernie

Joe Biden released a “unity task force” on Wednesday with his new cohort Sen. Bernie Sanders, steering his candidacy hard to the left.

  • End cash bail
  • No arrests for violent teens
  • Rejoin the globalist Paris Climate Agreement
  • New Environmental DOJ (but still defund police)
  • New unionized Civilian Climate Corps
  • Remove laws that freed workers from forced union membership
  • End secret ballots for union certifying
  • Make school buses zero-emission in five years.
  • End private school vouchers
  • Medicare for all (but first optional)
  • End the border wall

See more toons from the talented Steve Kelley

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The Radical Left’s Playbook for Insurrection and Removal of Trump

While we go to work and put food on the table (before Covid-19), the radical left has an organized gameplan to remove Donald Trump from office and ultimately transform the United States and the world.

It is called the “Resistance Guide” by Paul Engler and Sophie Lasoff. As of this writing the document was taken down, but can still be seen on

The document stresses instant readiness for “trigger events” like Occupy Wall Street, The Women’s March after Trump’s inauguration, and most recently, the protests over George Floyd’s death.

The Sunrise Movement, uses the “Resistance Guide” and is behind The Green New Deal to turn the U.S. into a socialist state working with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The Sunrise founder is also working with the Biden-Sanders Climate Crisis task force.

Millennial Millie’s short documentary highlighting Sunrise (Youtube)

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