2021 started and ended with vaccine lies and a growing cult of scientism.
The 95% vaccine efficacy rate hoax is the key to understanding the global deception.
The Canadian Covid Care Alliance (CCCA) has prepared a brilliant infographic describing how vaccine manufacturers and the FDA fooled the public by conflating Relative Risk Reduction (95%) with Absolute Risk Reduction (.84%). (shown above)
See CCCA’s 51-page report documenting 2021’s vaccine lies, showing a significant increase in illness for the vaccinated. Remember antibody-dependent enhancement. Just like in the test animals, coronavirus vaccines turn deadly when the jabbed faced coronavirus in the wild.
DIG DEEPER AT NIH: “Absolute risk reduction is the most useful way of presenting research results to help your decision-making.”
RELATED: List of documented Pfizer crimes (Matthews & Associates Law Firm)
GOOD NEWS: UK team file complaint of crimes against humanity with the International Criminal Court (legal filing list of perpetrators below)